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Free Printable New Year’s Eve Bingo For Kids

Our Free Printable New Year’s Eve Bingo Game is a perfect family activity to celebrate a new year. Just download our bingo pattern pdf below and enjoy an evening full of fun. Let’s check out how it works.

free printable New Year's Eve bingo for kids

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How to Celebrate New Year’s Eve With Kids

Celebrating New Year’s Eve with kids can be quite different. Here are 10 ways to celebrate the beginning of a new year with your children and still have a good time:

  • Host a dinner at home.
  • Have a family slumber New Year’s Eve party.
  • Create a New Year’s bucket list.
  • Celebrate another country’s New Year.
  • Turn your Christmas tree into a “Resolution tree”.
  • Look back at the old year to look forward.
  • Don’t forget to have a family toast!

Family Dinner

Why not get fancy with your family once a year and host a party at your house? Make sure to dress up, use the good china, and create a special menu.

Slumber Party

If fancy does not suit you a slumber party might be a better fit. Buy matching New Year pajamas, build a fortress in front of your fireplace, or have a pillow fight.

Slumber parties are so much fun!

New Years Bucket List

Every New Year’s Eve event with the family should have a bucket list. Imagine where you like to be in 2023, and what you like to do, and set family goals together.

Dreaming of a new year with new adventures definitely gives you something to look forward to.

Celebrate New Year From Another Country

Are your children still pretty young? You like to celebrate with them together but there is no point in keeping them up till midnight?

Then why not switch it up and celebrate the new year in another country? Choose a country with an earlier celebration and you are good to go!

Resolution Tree

Is your Christmas tree still up? So why not repurpose them this year? Take only the ornaments down and let your children hang up their resolutions instead!

Look Back to Look Forward

New Year is also a good possibility to look back on the past year and learn from it. Chat about the good times but also see if you gained anything out of bad times as well.

Maybe even use this conversation to make a time capsule you can open in the future.

Have a Family Toast

But whatever you do, do not forget to have a family toast! Buy some special sparkling grape juice, get out the fancy glasses, and toast with your children to the new year!

These and more fun tips can be found here.

New Year Books for Kids

Time to get excited for the New Year, so why not add a matching book to your bedtime routine? Here are some recommendations on New Year books for kids:

It’s the night before New Year’s, and the whole family is determined to stay up until midnight! Discover if they can make it till the clock strikes twelve.

January is a lovable character that is trying to get out of bed on the first day back to school after winter break. Let’s go with her on an adventure.


Spot isn’t old enough to stay up until midnight, but he finds a way to celebrate the New Year early with his family. Let’s join Spot in celebrating the new year!

History, Traditions, and Activities – A Holiday Book for Kids (Holiday Books for Kids)

Did you enjoy our New Year Bingo Printables? Then try our Winter Bingo, Spring Bingo Game, or Valentine’s Day Bingo.

Free New Year’s Eve Bingo Game

In most countries on the 31st of December, we celebrate the beginning of a new year. We as a family love to spend the evening or afternoon together playing New Year’s games.

For this year I created this fun bingo game to play on New Year’s Eve or January 1st.

New Year Bingo Patterns

Instead of just choosing words, I decided to mix them up with related New Year symbols. This way younger children can participate in our fun new year’s activity as well!

You will find everything from fireworks, celebration hats, and party whistles, to other things you relate to the new year.

Our free printables include 10 different New Year’s Eve bingo game boards. This gives you the opportunity to play our New Year’s Eve game together with your family and friends.

It even can be used as New Year’s Eve bingo for adults.

New Year’s Eve Game Materials

Here are all the materials you will need to play with our New Year’s Eve bingo free printables:

  • Free Printable New Years’ Eve Bingo PDF (found below)
  • pencils
  • scissors

How Do You Play New Year’s Eve Bingo

But you might wonder now, how do you play our Happy New Year bingo? Let me tell you our New Year’s Eve bingo is not any different from any other bingo game. The same rules apply!

You are not familiar with the bingo game yet? Do not worry, let me explain the Bingo Rules to you:

  1. Print out your bingo templates (found below).
  2. Take your scissors and cut out your free New Year’s Eve bingo call-out sheets.
  3. Give each player one New Year bingo game board.
  4. Then decide on a caller.
  5. Afterward, place all bingo call-out cards in a basket, bucket, or bag and mix them.
  6. Next, the caller draws a card and shows it to the players.
  7. Each player is marking the selected card on his Bingo Card Template with his marker.
  8. The player shouts “BINGO!” when they get a full line of 4 pictures in a row (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal).


  • Smaller children can play this game as well. Simply help them find the pictures.
  • Do-a-dot Markers are perfect for this fun New Years’ Eve bingo game.
  • Do you not like our pictures? Do not worry, I made a blank bingo template for you. Choose your own pictures or words for it.

How Do You Make Bingo Funny

After a while playing bingo can get old. Here are three fun ideas on how to make bingo interesting again:

  • Use poker chips instead of markers
  • Use food instead of pencils, such as M&M’s
  • Get prices for the winners

How to Download Your Free New Year Bingo Cards

Simply sign up here for our newsletter and you will receive the link to our free New Year’s Eve bingo free printables.

Already a subscriber? Don’t worry, there is no need to subscribe twice.

I just updated our free printable library. You can find our New Year bingo templates there or check our latest newsletter for more information.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I m happy to help!

More New Years’ Eve Activities for Kids

Are you in need of more fun New Year’s activities for kids? Then check out the following activities for New Year:

Pin These Free Printable New Year’s Eve Bingo Game

Now don’t forget to save our New Year bingo templates on Pinterest for later! Be sure you are following along with Lil Tigers.

Now it is your turn.
How did your kids enjoy our downloadable New Year’s Eve Bingo Cards?
Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.
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